To help shape new ideas for growing our learning across the city, we recently conducted a short survey to capture positive stories about changes to behaviour, thinking, or priorities that have happened for those living in the greater Christchurch area, as a result of the rāhui or lockdown.
Our city has had unique challenges over the last ten years and with that come experiences and opportunities we can build on.

Share a positive story or anecdote to illustrate your personal experience or insight:

We are a mix-homeschooling/kindy family, with our 12 year old at home and twin 3 year olds at kindy. Lockdown has shrunk our lives considerably, because homeschooling (for all that everyone seems to think they are doing so right now) is very community-based. So having everyone at home has been a learning curve for us too, though we do have a huge range of games and activities tucked away in cupboards (finally, proof that it’s not just clutter!).

Our 12 year old would like to try high school next year, and has commented that perhaps she will have more in common with the other learners now. Her world has been shrunk possibly more than theirs, but the fact that they are learning at home, using online resources much like we do, and hopefully doing more with their families (from daily wellbeing walks or cycles, to helping out with DIY projects that might never have happened otherwise), will hopefully give them more to talk about together.


What is the change you wouldn’t want to lose? How could it be maintained or enhanced in the coming months?

I don’t want to lose going out and about with the kids on bikes so often. We try to minimise our car use already, but now I realise that we need it even less than I thought! I’m wondering whether to take the bike and trailer to kindy rather than drive, at least in the afternoon, and get the eldest to cycle with me, then possibly stop at a playground on the way home, because too often we come home and get straight into a rut of tv until dinner.


How might Christchurch, Ōtautahi best respond as a learning city?

We can share good experiences in this space, and help each other get the most out of digital tools.


Submit your stories of change HERE.